News and events
23. Jan. | News
Exhibition of portraits of Zois Prize winners in Ljubljana
On Wednesday, 21 January 2024, an exhibition of portraits of the recipients of the Zois Prizes and awards for outstanding achievements in the field of scientific research and development for the year 2024 was opened at the Krakovski embankment in Ljubljana.
26. Nov. | News
New master study programme Educational mathematics
On November 21, 2024, the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education - NAKVIS granted accreditation to the Master study programme Educational Mathematics, which will be implemented by the UP Faculty of Education.
25. Nov. | News
Celebrating 50 years of the Faculty of Education in Koper: an event that united the University, local community, and educational institutions alongside distinguished guests
On Thursday, 21 November 2024, the Faculty of Education at the University of Primorska (UP PEF) celebrated its 50th anniversary with a festive event at the Koper Theatre.
9. Oct. | For students
Erasmus+ Days at UP PEF
Do you want to do part of your studies abroad, at a UP PEF partner institution?
4. Oct. | For students
StartUP - sports & social event for all UP students
ŠtartUP is a sports & social event organized by the University of Primorska to kick off the new academic year.
For students
A selection of posts by COBISS employees
Merilo izbora: objave uvrščene v A'', A' in A1/2 po metodologiji ARRS.