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Prof. PhD. Andrej Cör

Strokovni oz. znanstveni naslov: doktor znanosti
Pedagoški naziv: redni profesor
Matično področje : histologija in embriologija
Znanstveni naziv: znanstveni svetnik
Elektronski naslov:
Telefonska številka: 05 662 64 71
Bibliografija: COBISS

2024 | Nuša Brišar, Katja Šuster, Andrej Cör

Review article

Preparation of phage display cDNA libraries for identifying immunogenic tumor antigens : challenges in functional cDNA presentation and approaches to overcoming them

2024 | Urban Slokar, Vesna Levašič, Andrej Cör, Simon Kovač

Published scientific conference contribution

Effect of topically administred tranexamic acid on early postoperative infections after total knee arthroplasty : a registry analysis

2024 | Boštjan Markelc, Tanja Jesenko, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Maša Omerzel, Urša Lampreht Tratar, Andrej Renčelj, Urška Matkovič, Katarina Žnidar, Špela Kos, Kristina Levpušček, Živa Pišljar, Urša Kešar, Tilen Komel, Tim Božič, Aneja Tuljak, Rosana Hudej, Matjaž Peterka, Urška Kamenšek, Andrej Cör, Gorana Gašljević, Alenka Nemec Svete, Nataša Tozon, Gregor Serša, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

Non-clinical evaluation of pmIL12 gene therapy for approval of the phase I clinical study

2024 | Anja Frantar, Katja Šuster, Rok Gašperšič, Čedomir Oblak, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Nova bakteriofaga izolirana iz sline zmanjšujeta biofilme Cutibacterium acnes

2024 | Katja Šuster, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Delovanje različnih bakteriofagov na biofilme MRSA

2024 | Andrej Cör, Nuša Brišar, Katja Šuster

Published scientific conference contribution

Vakcina proti malignemu melanomu z gensko spremenjenimi bakteriofagi

2024 | Ingrid Milošev, Peter Rodič, Barbara Kapun, Denis Sačer, Katja Šuster, Tina Korošec, Andrej Cör, Vesna Levašič, Mateja Blas, Rene Mihalič, Rihard Trebše, Čedomir Oblak, Anja Frantar, Rok Gašperšič, Katja Skulj, Simon Horvat, Franci Pušavec, Davorin Kramar, Roman Šturm, Andrej Jeromen, Edvard Govekar

Published scientific conference contribution

Projekt BIOPAD : Protibakterijske zlitine : Razvoj z aditivno 3D tehnologijo, karakterizacija in klinična uporaba

2024 | Urban Slokar, Katja Šuster, Cene Skubic, Vesna Levašič, Eva Podovšovnik, Damjana Rozman, Andrej Cör, Simon Kovač

Published scientific conference contribution

Vloga topično aplicirane traneksaminske kisline v artroplastiki : predstavitev rezultatov raziskovalnega projekta

2024 | Andrej Cör

Review article

Histološka analiza obproteznega tkiva pri okužbi ortopedskega vsadka = Histological analysis of periprosthetic tissue in prosthetic joint infection

2024 | Aleksander Mahnič, Mitja Rak, Rihard Trebše, Maja Rupnik, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Identification of prosthetic joint infections with 16S amplicon metagenomic sequencing : comparison with standard cultivation approach

2024 | Nuša Brišar, Katja Šuster, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Robert Vidmar, Marko Fonović, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

An engineered M13 filamentous nanoparticle as an antigen carrier for a malignant melanoma immunotherapeutic strategy

2024 | Andrej Cör, Nuša Brišar, Katja Šuster

Published scientific conference contribution

Vakcina proti malignemu melanomu z gensko spremenjenimi bakteriofagi

2023 | Boštjan Kocjančič, Barbara Šetina, Darja Feizpour, Matjaž Godec, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Rok Podlipec, Andrej Cör, Mojca Debeljak, Monika Jenko, Drago Dolinar

Original scientific paper

The impact of Al[sub]2O[sub]3 particles from grit-blasted Ti6Al7Nb (alloy) implant surfaces on biocompatibility, aseptic loosening, and infection

2023 | Urban Slokar, Simon Kovač, Andrej Cör, Katja Šuster

Original scientific paper

Antibacterial effect of topically administered tranexamic acid in large joint arthroplasty

2023 | Urban Slokar, Katja Šuster, Simon Kovač, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Protibakterijsko delovanje topično aplicirane traneksaminske kisline : predstavitev rezultatov in vitro študije

2023 | Nino Mirnik, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Učinkovitost zdravljenja bolnikov z osteoartritisom kolena z namnoženimi avtolognimi mezenhimskimi matičnimi celicami

2023 | Katja Šuster, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Bakteriofagi za reševanje problematike živih, vendar nekultivabilnih oblik bakterij pri okužbah sklepnih protez

2023 | Anja Frantar, Katja Šuster, Andrej Trampuž, Katja Seme, Čedomir Oblak, Rok Gašperšič, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution (invited talk)

Okužbe zobnih vsadkov in bakteriofagi kot možna strategija terapije

2023 | Živa Pišljar, Maja Čemažar, Boštjan Markelc, Andrej Cör, Gregor Serša, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Tanja Jesenko

Original scientific paper

HPV-positive murine oral squamous cell carcinoma : development and characterization of a new mouse tumor model for immunological studies

2023 | Andrej Cör, Katja Šuster, Tina Korošec, Vesna Levašič

Other monographs and other completed works

10. raziskovalni dan Ortopedske bolnišnice Valdoltra : zbornik

2023 | Ingrid Milošev, Rihard Trebše, Andrej Cör, Vesna Levašič

Original scientific paper

60 years of Charnley–Muller Alivium hip prosthesis : the revision percentage and tribo-corrosion sequelae after a mean of 27 years

2023 | Katja Šuster, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Induction of viable but non-culturable state in clinically relevant staphylococci and their detection with bacteriophage K

2022 | Tinkara Remic, Gregor Serša, Kristina Levpušček, Urša Lampreht Tratar, Katja Uršič Valentinuzzi, Andrej Cör, Urška Kamenšek

Original scientific paper

Tumor cell-based vaccine contributes to local tumor irradiation by eliciting a tumor model-dependent systemic immune response

2022 | Tinkara Remic, Gregor Serša, Kristina Levpušček, Urša Lampreht Tratar, Katja Uršič Valentinuzzi, Andrej Cör, Urška Kamenšek

Original scientific paper

Tumor cell-based vaccine contributes to local tumor irradiation by eliciting a tumor model-dependent systemic immune response

2021 | Matevž Topolovec, Ingrid Milošev, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Outcome after two sequential revision hip arthroplasties for CoC bearing Fracture with 10 years follow-up : a case report

2021 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Erika Cvetko, Andrej Cör, Tomaž Marš, Janez Dolenšek, Miroslav Kališnik, Dušan Sket, Zoran Grubič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Anatomija, histologija, fiziologija

2021 | Katja Šuster, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Fast and specific detection of staphylococcal PJI with bacteriophage-based methods within 104 sonicate fluid samples

2021 | Jože Pižem, Margareta Strojan Fležar, Andrej Cör

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Patologija : učbenik za študente zdravstvene fakultete

2020 | Katja Šuster, Aleš Podgornik, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

An alternative molecular approach for a rapid and specific detection of clinically relevant bacteria causing prosthetic joint infections with bacteriophage K

2020 | Simona Kranjc Brezar, Maja Čemažar, Andrej Cör, Gorana Gašljević

Original scientific paper

Molecular heterogeneity in breast carcinoma cells with increased invasive capacities

2019 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Histological characteristics of periprosthetic tissue around metal on metal hip prostheses

2019 | Andrej Cör

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer in immigrant and refugee women

2019 | Marko Nabergoj, Andrej Cör, Ingrid Milošev, Vesna Levašič, Mira Šavora, Marko Jug

Other monographs and other completed works


2019 | Janja Zupan, Peter Vrtačnik, Andrej Cör, Gregor Haring, Janja Marc

Original scientific paper

VEGF-A is associated with early degenerative changes in cartilage and subchondral bone

2019 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Histological picture of wear particles and the biological response in periprosthetic tissue = Histološka slika obrabnih delcev in biološki odgovor v periprotetičnem tkivu

2017 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Erika Cvetko, Andrej Cör, Tomaž Marš, Žarko Finderle

Other learning material

Fiziologija človeka : izbrana poglavja za interno rabo

2017 | Katja Šuster, Aleš Podgornik, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Quick bacteriophage-mediated bioluminescence assay for detecting Staphylococcus spp. in sonicate fluid of orthopaedic artificial joints

2016 | Mitja Rak, Martina Kavčič, Rihard Trebše, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Detection of bacteria with molecular methods in prosthetic joint infection : sonication fluid better than periprosthetic tissue

2016 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Erika Cvetko, Andrej Cör, Tomaž Marš, Janez Dolenšek, Miroslav Kališnik, Dušan Sket, Zoran Grubič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Anatomija, histologija, fiziologija

2016 | Uroš Kovačič, Andrej Cör, Peter Veranič, Rok Gašperšič

Original scientific paper

Vpliv ovariektomije na celjenje kostnih defektov kalvarijske kosti pri podganah = Influence of ovariectomy on healing of calvarial defects in rats

2016 | Mitja Rak, Marjan Bele, Andrej Cör, Ingrid Milošev

Original scientific paper

Sol-gel synthesis, characterization and properties of TiO[sub]2 and Ag-TiO[sub]2 coatings on titanium substrate

2016 | Rihard Trebše, Anže Mihelič, Vesna Levašič, Andrej Cör, Ingrid Milošev

Original scientific paper

Results of revision of total hip arthroplasty for alumina ceramic-on-ceramic bearing fracture

2016 | Rihard Trebše, Anže Mihelič, Vesna Levašič, Andrej Cör, Ingrid Milošev

Original scientific paper

Results of revision of total hip arthroplasty for alumina ceramic-on-ceramic bearing fracture

2016 | Monika Savarin, Urška Kamenšek, Maja Čemažar, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Andrej Cör, Gregor Serša

Original scientific paper

Tumor radiosensitization by gene therapy against endoglin

2015 | Julija Hmeljak, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Long-term corrosion behavior and biocompatibility testing of titanium-based alloy covered with nano-crystalline hydroxyapatite

2015 | Andrej Cör, Rihard Trebše

Original scientific paper

Human beta-defensin-3 producing cells in septic implant loosening

2015 | Klemen Stražar, Matjaž Kavčič, Žiga Šmit, Jurij Simčič, Radojko Jaćimović, Andrej Cör, Primož Pelicon, Vane Antolič

Original scientific paper

Analiza tkiva okrog omajanih umetnih kolčnih debel iz poliacetala z uporabo nuklearnih metod = Analysis of the tissue around artificial polyacetal hip stems using nuclear methods

2015 | Maja Čemažar, Vesna Todorović, Janez Ščančar, Urša Lampreht Tratar, Monika Savarin, Urška Kamenšek, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Andrej Cör, Gregor Serša

Original scientific paper

Adjuvant TNF-a therapy to electrochemotherapy with intravenous cisplatin in murine sarcoma exerts synergistic antitumor effectiveness

2015 | Boštjan Markelc, Tanja Jesenko, Veronika Kloboves-Prevodnik, Andrej Cör, Gregor Serša, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

Inhibitor of endocytosis impairs gene electrotransfer to mouse muscle in vivo

2014 | Mitja Rak, Darja Barlič-Maganja, Martina Kavčič, Rihard Trebše, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Identification of the same species in at least two intra-operative samples for prosthetic joint infection diagnostics yield the best results with broad-range polymerase chain reaction

2014 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Characterization of macrophage polarizing cytokines in the aseptic loosening of total hip replacements

2014 | Mitja Rak, Darja Barlič-Maganja, Julija Hmeljak, Vesna Todorović, Maja Čemažar, Andrej Cör

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Real-time PCR applications in clinical research and diagnostics

2014 | Maja Čemažar, Vesna Todorović, Cécil J. W. Meulenberg, Nataša Tešić, Andrej Cör

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Biomedical application of electroporation : electrochemotherapy and electrogene therapy

2014 | Ingrid Milošev, Vesna Levašič, Andrej Cör, Venčeslav Pišot

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Mechanical, biological, material and clinical aspects of performance of joint prostheses

2014 | Andrej Cör, Julija Hmeljak, Mitja Rak, Maja Čemažar, Ingrid Milošev

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Pathophysiological mechanisms of joint implant loosening

2014 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Expression of gap junction proteins connexins 26, 30, and 43 in Dupuytren's disease

2014 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Erika Cvetko, Andrej Cör, Tomaž Marš, Žarko Finderle

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Anatomija, histologija, fiziologija

2014 | Jelka Lindič, Damjan Kovač, Radoslav Kveder, Marko Malovrh, Jernej Pajek, Andreja Aleš Rigler, Andrej Škoberne, Dušan Ferluga, Tomaž Rott, Alenka Vizjak, Andrej Cör, Andrej Bren, Radovan Hojs

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Bolezni ledvic

2014 | Andrej Cör, Julija Hmeljak, Gregor Žerjav, Ingrid Milošev

Original scientific paper

Structural analysis, electrochemical behavior, and biocompatibility of novel quaternary titanium alloy with near [beta] structure

2014 | Matevž Topolovec, Andrej Cör, Ingrid Milošev

Original scientific paper

Metal-on-metal vs. metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasty tribological evaluation of retrieved components and periprosthetic tissue

2014 | Ingrid Milošev, Julija Hmeljak, Gregor Žerjav, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Quaternary Ti-20Nb-10Zr-5Ta alloy during immersion in simulated physiological solutions : formation of layers, dissolution and biocompatibility

2013 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Expression of VEGF, its receptors, and HIF-1 in Dupuytrens disease

2013 | Mitja Rak, Darja Barlič-Maganja, Martina Kavčič, Rihard Trebše, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Comparison of molecular and culture method in diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection

2013 | Uroš Kovačič, Andrej Cör, Uroš Skalerič, Rok Gašperšič

Original scientific paper

Dental pulp and gingivomucosa in rats are innervated by two morphologically and neurochemically different populations of nociceptors

2013 | Julija Hmeljak, Nina Erčulj, Vita Dolžan, Jože Pižem, Izidor Kern, Viljem Kovač, Maja Čemažar, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Is survivin expression prognostic or predictive in malignant pleural mesothelioma?

2013 | Ingrid Milošev, Julija Hmeljak, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Hyaluronic acid stimulates the formation of calcium phosphate on CoCrMo alloy in simulated physiological solution

2013 | Matevž Topolovec, Ingrid Milošev, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Wear debris from hip prostheses characterized by electron imaging

2013 | Tanja Jesenko, Boštjan Markelc, Gregor Serša, Andrej Cör, Monika Savarin, Jaka Lavrenčak, Andreja Brožič, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

Multiple delivery of siRNA against endoglin into murine mammary adenocarcinoma prevents angiogenesis and delays tumor growth

2013 | Aleš Sedlar, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Tanja Jesenko, Maja Čemažar, Andrej Cör, Gregor Serša

Original scientific paper

Radiosensitizing effect of intratumoral interleukin-12 gene electrotransfer in murine sarcoma

2012 | Andrej Cör

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Histological analysis of periprosthetic tissue for detecting prosthetic joint infection

2012 | Rihard Trebše, Andrej Cör

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Aseptic loosening of total hip arthroplasty as a result of local failure of tissue homeostasis

2012 | Julija Hmeljak, Andrej Cör

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

The central role of survivin in proliferation and apoptosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma

2012 | Marjeta Zorc, Danijel Petrovič, Andrej Cör, Mateja Legan, Aleksandra Milutinović Živin, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Olga Vraspir-Porenta, Ruda Zorc-Pleskovič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Histologija : učbenik

2012 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Erika Cvetko, Andrej Cör, Tomaž Marš, Žarko Finderle

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Anatomija, histologija, fiziologija

2012 | Jože Pižem, Andrej Cör, Mara Popović

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Prognostic parameters in atypical and malignant meningiomas

2012 | Boštjan Markelc, Gregor Serša, Andrej Cör, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

In vivo molecular imaging and histological analysis of changes induced by electric pulses used for plasmid DNA electrotransfer to the skin : a study in a dorsal window chamber in mice

2012 | Sara Prijič, Lara Prosen, Maja Čemažar, Janez Ščančar, Rok Romih, Jaka Lavrenčak, Vladimir Boštjan Bregar, Andrej Cör, Mojca Kržan, Andrej Žnidaršič, Gregor Serša

Original scientific paper

Surface modified magnetic nanoparticles for immuno-gene therapy of murine mammary adenocarcinoma

2012 | Maja Čemažar, Gregor Serša, Andrej Cör, Suzana Vidic

Original scientific paper

Hyaluronidase and collagenase increase the transfection efficiency of gene electrotransfer in different murine tumors

2011 | Andrej Cör, Julija Hmeljak, Mitja Rak

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Staranje in rak

2011 | Julija Hmeljak, Nina Erčulj, Vita Dolžan, Izidor Kern, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

BIRC5 promoter SNPs do not affect nuclear survivin expression and survival of malignant pleural mesothelioma patients

2011 | Alja Plut, Špela Sprogar, Tomaž Vaupotič, Andrej Cör, Gorazd Drevenšek, Janja Marc, Martina Drevenšek

Original scientific paper

Effect of cetirizine, a histamine (H(1)) receptor antagonist, on bone modelingduring orthodontic tooth movement in rats

2011 | Darja Pavlin, Maja Čemažar, Andrej Cör, Gregor Serša, Azra Pogačnik, Nataša Tozon

Original scientific paper

Electrogene therapy with interleukin-12 in canine mast cell tumors

2010 | Jože Pižem, Mara Popović, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Expression of Gli1 and PARP1 in medulloblastoma: an immunohistochemical study of 65 cases

2010 | Andrej Vranič, Mara Popović, Andrej Cör, Borut Prestor, Jože Pižem

Original scientific paper

Mitotic count, brain invasion, and location are independent predictors of recurrence-free survival in primary atypical and malignant meningiomas : a study of 86 patients

2010 | Matej Drobnič, Damjan Radosavljevič, Andrej Cör, Klemen Stražar

Original scientific paper

Debridement of cartilage lesions before autologous chondrocyte implantation byopen or transarthroscopic techniques : a comparative study using post-mortem materials

2010 | Marjeta Zorc, Danijel Petrovič, Andrej Cör, Mateja Legan, Aleksandra Milutinović Živin, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Olga Vraspir-Porenta, Ruda Zorc-Pleskovič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Histologija : učbenik

2010 | Rok Gašperšič, Andrej Cör, Uroš Skalerič, Uroš Kovačič

Original scientific paper

Izražanje receptorjev TLR4 v senzoričnih nevronih, ki oživčujejo vneto dlesen, pri podgani = TLR4 expression in sensory neurons innervating inflamed gingiva in the rat

2010 | Julija Hmeljak, Izidor Kern, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

No implication of Simian virus 40 in pathogenesis of malignant pleural mesothelioma in Slovenia

2010 | Rok Gašperšič, Uroš Kovačič, Špela Glišović, Andrej Cör, Uroš Skalerič

Original scientific paper

Anti-NGF treatment reduces bone resorption in periodontitis

2010 | Suzana Vidic, Boštjan Markelc, Gregor Serša, Andrej Cör, Urška Kamenšek, Gregor Tevž, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

MicroRNAs targeting mutant K-ras by electrotransfer inhibit human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell growth in vitro and in vivo

2009 | Andrej Cör, Maja Čemažar, Nadja Plazar, Gregor Serša

Original scientific paper

Comparison between hypoxic markers pimonidazole and glucose transporter 1 (Glut-1) in murine fibrosarcoma tumours after electrochemotherapy = Primerjava hipoksičnih označevalcev pimonidazola in transporterja glikoye 1 (Glut-1) pri mišjih fibrosarkomih po elekrokemoterapiji

2009 | Julija Hmeljak, Andrej Cör

Review article

Presence and role of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) in malignant pleural mesothelioma

2009 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Miha Munda, Nina Zidar, Andrej Cör

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Histologija : navodila za vaje

2009 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Histološka analiza obproteznih tkiv ob omajanih sklepnih protezah = Histological analysis of the periprosthetic tissue around failed joint arthroplasties

2009 | Maja Čemažar, Jani Pečar, Gregor Serša, Andrej Cör, Nataša Tozon

Original scientific paper

Electrochemotherapy compared to surgery for treatment of canine mast cell tumours

2009 | Gregor Tevž, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Maja Čemažar, Urška Kamenšek, Andrej Cör, Mojca Kržan, Suzana Vidic, Darja Pavlin, Gregor Serša

Original scientific paper

Controlled systemic release of interleukin-12 after gene electrotransfer to muscle for cancer gene therapy alone or in combination with ionizing radiation in murine sarcomas

2008 | Andrej Cör, Erika Cvetko, Tomaž Marš, Mateja Legan, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Anatomija, histologija, fiziologija

2008 | Damjan Kovač, Aljoša Kandus, Miha Benedik, Jelka Lindič, Andrej Cör, Mateja Legan, Tanja Gmeiner

Published scientific conference contribution (invited talk)

Alendronate treatment in kidney transplantant recipients

2008 | Špela Sprogar, Tomaž Vaupotič, Andrej Cör, Martina Drevenšek, Gorazd Drevenšek

Original scientific paper

The endothelin system mediates bone modeling in the late stage of orthodontic tooth movement in rats

2008 | Rok Gašperšič, Uroš Kovačič, Andrej Cör, Uroš Skalerič

Original scientific paper

Unilateral ligature-induced periodontitis influences the expression of neuropeptides in the ipsilateral and contralateral trigeminal ganglion in rats

2008 | Nevenka Kregar-Velikonja, Andrej Cör, Miro Gorenšek, Miomir Knežević, Andrej Kmetec

Short Scientific Contribution

Tissue formation following implantation of cultured elastic chondrocytes for treatment of vesicoureteral reflux

2008 | Gregor Serša, Tomaž Jarm, Tadej Kotnik, Andrej Cör, Maja Podkrajšek, Marjeta Šentjurc, Damijan Miklavčič, Maksimiljan Kadivec, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Ajra Šečerov Ermenc, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

Vascular disrupting action of electroporatin and electrochemotherapy with bleomycin in murine sarcoma

2008 | Gregor Tevž, Darja Pavlin, Urška Kamenšek, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Suzana Vidic, Andrej Cör, Gregor Serša, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

Gene electrotransfer into murine skeletal muscle : a systematic analysis of parameters for long-term gene expression

2007 | Erika Cvetko, Andrej Cör, Mateja Legan, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Anatomija in histologija : navodila za vaje

2007 | Andrej Cör, Erika Cvetko, Tomaž Marš, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Anatomija, histologija, fiziologija

2007 | Uroš Kovačič, Andrej Cör, Matija Tomšič, Tilen Žele, Janez Sketelj, Fajko Bajrović

Short Scientific Contribution

Which myelinated sensory axons sprout into an end-to-side coapted peripheral nerve in the rat?

2007 | Špela Sprogar, Andrej Cör, Gorazd Drevenšek, Martina Drevenšek

Original scientific paper

Ortodontski premik zoba in pregrajevanje kosti = Orthodontic tooth movement and bone remodelling

2007 | Rihard Trebše, Boris Poberaj, Andrej Cör, Vesna Levašič

Short Scientific Contribution

Arthroscopic removal of an osteoid osteoma in the radial head : a case report

2007 | Andrej Cör, Jože Pižem

Published scientific conference contribution

Prognostični pomen označevalcev proliferacije in apoptoze pri pljučnem raku = The prognostic implication of proliferative and apoptotic biomarkers in lung cancer

2007 | Matevž Gorenšek, Andrej Cör, Nevenka Kregar-Velikonja, Elvira Maličev, Miomir Knežević, Mirjam Fröhlich, Nina Mohorko, Mara Bresjanac, Miro Gorenšek

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Nuclear augmentation in an animal model - a method for degenerate disc disease treatment or prevention?

2007 | Nevenka Kregar-Velikonja, Miomir Knežević, Andrej Cör, Matjaž Jeras

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Characterisation of mesenchymal stem cells from adult bone marrow and their therapeutic potential

2007 | Rok Gašperšič, Uroš Kovačič, Andrej Cör, Uroš Skalerič

Original scientific paper

Expression of TrkA receptor for neurotrophins in trigeminal neurons innervating the rat gingivomucosal tissue

2007 | Suzana Vidic, Darja Pavlin, Gregor Serša, Andrej Cör, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Alenka Grošel, Gregor Tevž, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

The effect of the histological properties of tumors on transfection efficiency of electrically assisted gene delivery to solid tumors in mice

2007 | Suzana Vidic, Darja Pavlin, Gregor Serša, Andrej Cör, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Alenka Grošel, Gregor Tevž, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

Tumor electrotransfection progress and prospects : the impact of knowledge about tumor histology

2007 | Andrej Cör, Mateja Legan, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Maja Čemažar, Gregor Serša

Original scientific paper

Comparison of two hypoxic markers : pimonidazole and glucose transporter 1 (Glut-1)

2006 | Anton Cerar, Boštjan Luzar, Tomaž Rott, Nina Zidar, Rastko Golouh, Andrej Cör

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Patologija : izbrana poglavja iz patologije z navodili za vaje

2006 | Andrej Cör, Mateja Legan

Review article

Posteljica = Placenta

2006 | Mateja Legan, Boštjan Luzar, Vera Ferlan-Marolt, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Cyclooxygenase-2 expression determines neoangiogenesis in gallbladder carcinomas

2006 | Rihard Trebše, Boris Poberaj, Andrej Cör, Vesna Levašič

Original scientific paper

Prvi primer artroskopske odstranitve osteoid-osteoma iz glavice radiusa = The first case of arthroscopically removed osteoid osteoma of the radial head

2006 | Klemen Stražar, Andrej Cör, Vane Antolič

Original scientific paper

Biological impact of polyacetal particles on loosening of isoelastic stems

2006 | Rok Gašperšič, Uroš Kovačič, Andrej Cör, Uroš Skalerič

Original scientific paper

Identification and neuropeptide content of trigeminal neurons innervating the rat gingivomucosal tissue

2006 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Topical furosemide versus oral steroid in preoperative management of nasal polyposis

2006 | Mateja Legan, Boštjan Luzar, Vera Ferlan-Marolt, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 is associated with p53 accumulation in premalignant and malignant gallbladder lesions

2006 | Klemen Stražar, Matjaž Kavčič, Jurij Simčič, Primož Pelicon, Žiga Šmit, Peter Kump, Radojko Jaćimović, Vane Antolič, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Quantification of BaSO[sub]4 and polyacetal wear particles in the periprosthetic tissue around loosened isoelastic hip stems by nuclear microprobe

2006 | Ingrid Milošev, Rihard Trebše, Simon Kovač, Andrej Cör, Venčeslav Pišot

Original scientific paper

Survivorship and retrieval analysis of sikomet metal-on-metal total hip replacements at a mean of seven years

2005 | Matej Cimerman, Andrej Cör, Miran Čeh, Anka Kristan, Jože Pižem, Martin Tonin

Original scientific paper

Microstructural analysis of implant-bone interface of hydroxyapatite-coated and uncoated Schanz screws

2005 | Marjeta Zorc, Danijel Petrovič, Andrej Cör, Mateja Legan, Aleksandra Milutinović Živin, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Olga Vraspir-Porenta, Ruda Zorc-Pleskovič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Histologija : učbenik

2005 | Matej Cimerman, Andrej Cör, Miran Čeh, Anka Kristan, Jože Pižem, Martin Tonin

Original scientific paper

Microstructural analysis of implant-bone interface of hydroxyapatite-coated and uncoated Schanz screws

2005 | Jože Pižem, Andrej Cör, Lorna Zadravec-Zaletel, Mara Popović

Original scientific paper

Survivin is a negative prognostic marker in medulloblastoma

2005 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Non-homologous end-joining genes are not inactivated in human radiation-induced sarcomas with genomic instability

2005 | Rok Gašperšič, Uroš Kovačič, Andrej Cör, Uroš Skalerič

Published scientific conference contribution

Identification and neuropeptide content of trigeminal neurons innervating the rat gingiva

2005 | Boštjan Luzar, Mario Poljak, Andrej Cör, Ulrika Klopčič, Vera Ferlan-Marolt

Original scientific paper

Expression of human telomerase catalytic protein in gallbladder carcinogenesis

2005 | Matej Cimerman, Andrej Cör, Miran Čeh, Anka Kristan, Jože Pižem, Martin Tonin

Original scientific paper

Microstructural analysis of implant-bone interface of hydroxyapatite-coated and uncoated Schanz screws

2005 | Jože Pižem, Andrej Cör, Lorna Zadravec-Zaletel, Mara Popović

Original scientific paper

Prognostic significance of apoptosis in medulloblastoma

2005 | Ingrid Milošev, Rihard Trebše, Simon Kovač, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Dissociation of the metal inlay from the polyethylene liner in an uncemented threaded cup

2004 | Matevž Gorenšek, Mirjam Fröhlich, Nina Mohorko, Miro Gorenšek, Nevenka Kregar-Velikonja, Andrej Cör, Mara Bresjanac

Published scientific conference contribution

Tracing of transplanted chondrocytes by fluorescent labeling with PKH67

2004 | Mateja Legan, Miha Benedik, Damjan Kovač, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Renal bone disease in Slovenian patients with end-stage renal failure

2004 | Andrej Cör, Jože Pižem, Boštjan Luzar, Vera Ferlan-Marolt

Published scientific conference contribution

Proliferative processes, cell cycle deregulation and apoptosis in viral hepatitis

2004 | Matevž Gorenšek, Mirjam Fröhlich, Nina Mohorko, Miro Gorenšek, Nevenka Kregar-Velikonja, Andrej Cör, Mara Bresjanac

Published scientific conference contribution

Tracing of transplanted chondrocytes by fluorescent labeling with PKH67

2004 | Matevž Gorenšek, Čedomir Joksimović, Nevenka Kregar-Velikonja, Miro Gorenšek, Miomir Knežević, Matjaž Jeras, Vinko Pavlovčič, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Nucleus pulposus repair with cultured autologous elastic cartilage derived chondrocytes

2004 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Molecular structure of double-minute chromosomes bearing amplified copies of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene in gliomas

2004 | Jože Pižem, Andrej Cör, Nina Gale

Original scientific paper

Survivin expression is a negative prognostic marker in laryngeal squamous cellcarcinoma and is associated with p53 accumulation

2004 | Andrej Cör, Jože Pižem, Nina Gale

Original scientific paper

Immunohistochemical analysis of pro- and active-caspase 3 in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

2003 | Jože Pižem, Andrej Cör

Expert Article

Detection of apoptotic cells in tumour paraffin sections = [Prikaz apoptotičnih celic v tumorskih parafinskih rezinah]

2003 | Jože Pižem, Andrej Cör

Expert Article

Survivin - an inhibitor of apoptosis and a new therapeutic target in cancer = Zaviralec apoptoze survivin kot tarča ciljanega zdravljenja raka

2003 | Andrej Cör, Matija Barbič, Božo Kralj

Original scientific paper

Differences in the quantity of elastic fibres and collagen type I and type III in endopelvic fascia between women with stress urinary incontinence and controls

2003 | Matija Barbič, Božo Kralj, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Compliance of the bladder neck supporting structures : importance of activity pattern of levator ani muscle and content of elastic fibers of endopelvic fascia

2002 | Gregor Serša, Marjeta Šentjurc, Teodora Ivanuša, Katarina Beravs, Vladimir Kotnik, Andrej Cör, Maja Čemažar

Original scientific paper

Reduced blood flow and oxygenation in SA-I tomours after electrochemotheraphy with cisplatin

2002 | Matej Cimerman, Andrej Cör, Miran Čeh

Published scientific conference contribution

Microstructural investigations of implant/bone interface between hydroxylapatite-coated and uncoated Shanz pins implanted into sheep femora

2002 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Andrej Cör, Zdenka Pajer

Original scientific paper

Astereological analysis of FRTL-5 cells as an effect of thyrotropin and irradiation

2002 | Andrej Cör, Jože Pižem, Nina Gale

Original scientific paper

The expression of Bcl-2 and pro-caspase 3 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma = Izražanje Bcl-2 in prokaspaze 3 v ploščatoceličnih karcinomih glave in vratu

2002 | Nataša Jevnikar, Dominik Gašperšič, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Povezava med gostoto makrofagov v periapikalnem granulomu in klinično sliko = Correlation between areal density of macrophages in periapical granulomas and clinical symptoms

2002 | Andrej Cör

Independent professional essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Proliferacija v reproduktivnih organih

2002 | Rajmond Šavrin, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Tissue changes after electrical stimulation of pressure sores in spinal cord injury patients

2002 | Andrej Cör

Review article

Microdissection techniques for cancer analysis

2001 | Andrej Cör, Zdenka Pajer, Danijel Petrovič, Olga Vraspir-Porenta, Marjeta Zorc, Ruda Zorc-Pleskovič, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Histologija z embriologijo : navodila za vaje

2001 | Aleksandra Kocijan, Ingrid Milošev, Venčeslav Pišot, Andrej Cör, Vane Antolič

Original scientific paper

Isolation of polyacetal wear particles from periprosthetic tissues of isoelastic femoral stems

2001 | Jože Pižem, Andrej Cör

Review article

Kaspaze = Caspases

2001 | Jože Pižem, Vera Ferlan-Marolt, Boštjan Luzar, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Proliferative and apoptotic activity in hepatocellular carcinoma and surrounding non-neoplastic liver tissue

2001 | Raja Gošnak Dahmane, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Anatomija in histologija dojke

2001 | Andrej Cör, Boštjan Luzar

Review article

Pomen metilacije DNK v karcinogenezi = Importance of DNA methylation in carcinogenesis

2001 | Čedomir Joksimović, Andrej Cör

Review article

Uravnavanje celičnega ciklusa v normalnih in malignih celicah = Cell cycle regulation in normal and malignant cells

2000 | Ingrid Milošev, Vane Antolič, Aleksandra Kocijan, Andrej Cör, Srečko Herman, Vinko Pavlovčič

Original scientific paper

Extensive metallosis and necrosis in failed prostheses with cemented titanium-alloy stems and ceramic heads

2000 | Boštjan Luzar, Nina Gale, Mario Poljak, Andrej Cör

Review article

Telomere in telomeraza pri človeku - zgradba, funkcija in vloga v procesu kancerogeneze = Human telemore and telomerase: structure, function and role in cancerogenesis

2000 | Jera Jeruc, Nina Zidar, Nina Gale, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Apoptosis and proliferation in epithelial hyperplasia and squamous cell carcioma of the pharynx and oral cavity

2000 | Andrej Cör, Boštjan Luzar, Nina Zidar, Nina Gale

Published scientific conference contribution

Cell cycle regulation proteins p21[sub]WAF1/CIP1 and p27[sub]KIP1 in squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx

2000 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

The relationship between DNA methylation and expression of three different DNA methyltransferases in ovarian cancer = Odnos med stopnjo metilacije DNA in izražanjem treh različnih DNA metiltransferaz pri ovarijskem karcinomu

2000 | Klemen Stražar, Vane Antolič, Vinko Pavlovčič, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Ingrid Milošev, Andrej Cör, Robert Košak

Published scientific conference contribution

Polyethylene wear in isoelastic total HIP prosthese : X-ray and histological analysis

2000 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Zdenka Pajer, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Morphometry of the FRTL-5 cells after irradiation

2000 | Zdenka Pajer, Andrej Cör, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič

Original scientific paper

Morphology of FRTL-5 cell colonies in a semi-solid medium

2000 | Nina Gale, Vinko Kambič, Mario Poljak, Andrej Cör, Dane Velkavrh

Original scientific paper

Chromosomes 7,17 polysomies and overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor and p53 protein in epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions

1999 | Andrej Cör, Ingrid Milošev, Vane Antolič, Srečko Herman, Aleksandra Kocijan

Review article

Omajanje umetnega kolčnega sklepa : III biological response of the periprosthetic tissue : III. biološki odgovor organizma na vsadek = The loosening of total hip replacements

1999 | Andrej Cör

Review article

Histološke spremembe dojke med mesečnim ciklusom in v različnih starostnih obdobjih ženske = Histological changes of breast in relation to the menstrual cycle and the age of woman

1999 | Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Proliferative activity of hürthle cell thyroid tumours

1999 | Andrej Mašera, Olga Staniša, Zdenka Ovčak, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Effect pf pH on Ki-67 antigen retrieval in renal cell carcinoma

1998 | Erika Cvetko, Andrej Cör, Vita Čebašek, Raja Gošnak Dahmane, Marija Hribernik, Marija Meznarič, Vika Smerdu, Živa Melik

Professional monograph

Nega telesa : skrbimo za zdravje : vodnik po človeškem telesu

1998 | Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Proliferation and proliferation markers

1998 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

The effect of irradiation on FRTL-5 cell morphology

1998 | Nina Zidar, Andrej Cör, Tanja Premru-Sršen, Dušan Štajer

Short Scientific Contribution

Is there an association between glomerular density and birth weight in health humans?

1998 | Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Proliferation and proliferation markers

1998 | Ingrid Milošev, Aleksandra Kocijan, Vane Antolič, Srečko Herman, Andrej Cör

Review article

Omajanje umetnega kolčnega sklepa : II. tvorba in izolacija polietilenskih in kovinskih obrabnih delcev = The loosening of total hip replacement : II. the orign isolation of polyethylene and metal wear debris

1998 | Katarina Koritnik, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

The role of thyroid radiation carcinogenesis in rats = Vloga tiroksina pri karcinogenezi ščitnice

1997 | Alojz Ihan, Jernej Podboj, Stanislav Šuškovič, Andrej Cör, Mateja Krajc, Erika Matos, Nina Gale, Branka Wraber-Herzog

Original scientific paper

Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocytes isolated from nasal polyps

1997 | Nina Gale, Nina Zidar, Vinko Kambič, Mario Poljak, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Epidermal growth factor receptor, c-erbB-2 and p53 overexpressions in epithelial hyperplastic lesions of the larynx

1997 | Dušan Ferluga, Boštjan Luzar, Aleksandar Vodovnik, Mario Poljak, Andrej Cör, Nina Gale, Vinko Kambič

Original scientific paper

Langerhans cells in human papillomaviruses types 6/11 associated laryngeal papillomas

1997 | Dušan Ferluga, Aleksandar Vodovnik, Boštjan Luzar, Andrej Cör, Nina Gale, Vinko Kambič

Original scientific paper

Langerhans and other immunocompetent cells in vocal cord epithelial hyperplastic lesions of patients with chronic laryngitis

1997 | Andrej Cör, Nina Gale, Vinko Kambič

Original scientific paper

Quantitative pathology of laryngeal epithelial hyperplastic lesions

1996 | Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Proliferative markers in human thyroid tumours

1996 | Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Amplification of the FISH signal in breast cancer fine needle samplings using automatic image cytometry

1996 | Andrej Cör, Nina Gale, Vinko Kambič

Published scientific conference contribution

Morphometric analysis of laryngeal intraepithelial lesions

1996 | Boštjan Luzar, Andrej Cör, Vera Ferlan-Marolt

Published scientific conference contribution

Chronic hepatitis C - a morphometric and immunohistochemical evaluation of intraportal lymphoid aggregates

1996 | Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, Andrej Cör, Zdenka Pajer

Published scientific conference contribution

Morphometrical evaluation of radiation response of FRTL-5 cells

1996 | Zdenka Pajer, Andrej Cör, Draga Štiblar-Martinčič

Published scientific conference contribution

Long-term effect of thyrotropin on FRTL-5 cells

1996 | Zdenka Pajer, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Astereological analysis of the FRTL-5 cells up to four days after trypsinisation

1996 | Nina Zidar, Nina Gale, Andrej Cör, Vinko Kambič

Original scientific paper

Expression of Ki-67 antigen and proliferative cell nuclear antigen in benign and malignant epithelial lesions of the larynx

1995 | Janez Rozman, Mladen Trlep, Andrej Cör

Published scientific conference contribution

Implantable stimulator for selective stimulation of the common peroneal nerve

1995 | Polona Juntes, Andrej Cör, Milan Pogačnik, Leon Šenk

Original scientific paper

Primerjava rezultatov AgNOR v tkivu normalnih in rakasto spremenjenih mlečnih žlez pri psicah, dobljenih z meritvami na dveh različnih sistemih za analizo slike = Comparison of results of measurements of AgNOR in normal and carcinomatous mammary gland in a dog made by two different image analysis systems

1995 | Andrej Cör

Expert Article

Apoptoza in nekroza - dve različni obliki celične smrti

1994 | Polona Juntes, Andrej Cör, Milan Pogačnik, Leon Šenk

Published scientific conference contribution

Comparison of the results of the measurements of AgNOR in normal and carcinomatous mammary gland in a dog made by two different image analysis systems

1994 | Rastislav Golouh, Matej Bračko, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Do PCNA, KI-67 and p53 expression and DNA flow cytometry results have prognostic value in spindle-cell sarcomas of the retroperitoneum?

1994 | Andrej Cör, Zdenka Pajer

Original scientific paper

Ag-NOR counting for differentiation of follicular thyroid tumours

1994 | Andrej Cör, Zdenka Pajer

Original scientific paper

Measurement characteristics of stereological and histochemical methods in the diagnosis of thyroid tumours

1994 | Rastislav Golouh, Matej Bračko, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions in recurrent lipomatous tumors

1993 | Vinko Kambič, Nina Gale, Dušan Ferluga, Janez Fischinger, Andrej Cör

Original scientific paper

Die Bedeutung der immunohistochemischen und histochemischen Methoden zur Klassifizierung der hyperplastischen Aberrationen der Kehlkopfschleimhaut