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Prof. PhD. Darjo Zuljan

Strokovni oz. znanstveni naslov: doktor znanosti
Pedagoški naziv: redni profesor
Matično področje : didaktika tehnike in tehnologije
Znanstveni naziv: znanstveni svetnik
Elektronski naslov:
Telefonska številka: 05 663 12 64
Kabinet: Kabinet za naravoslovne vede
Oddelek: Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Bibliografija: COBISS
Funkcije in članstva v organih in delovnih telesih UP PEF:
član Komisije za študijske zadeve Senata UP PEF
namestnik predsednika Akademskega Zbora UP PEF

2024 | Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Motivi za izbor vzgojiteljskega poklica pri slovenskih in hrvaških študentih

2024 | Milena Valenčič Zuljan, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Supressing cyberbullying among students : teacher characteristics associated with likelihood of intervention and possibilities of artificial intelligence

2024 | Nastja Cotič, Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Experiential learning from the perspective of classroom teachers

2023 | Nastja Cotič, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Preschool teachers' opinions on the use of tools in preschool period

2023 | Andreja Istenič, Mateja Gačnik, Barbara Horvat, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, Maja Lebeničnik, Maja Mezgec, Marina Volk, Edvard Protner, Darjo Zuljan

Scientific Monograph

Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo = Upbringing and education between the past and the future

2023 | Andreja Istenič, Mateja Gačnik, Barbara Horvat, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, Maja Lebeničnik, Maja Mezgec, Marina Volk, Edvard Protner, Darjo Zuljan

Scientific Monograph

Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo = Upbringing and education between the past and the future

2022 | Janez Drobnič, Stanko Pelc, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Katarina Česnik, Nastja Cotič, Tadeja Volmut, Tina Vršnik Perše, Darjo Zuljan

Scientific Monograph

Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19 : odzivi in priložnosti za nove pedagoške pobude = Education during the time of Covid-19 : challenges and opportunities for new pedagogical initiatives

2022 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Effect of ultrasonic coupling media and surface roughness on contact transfer loss

2021 | Milena Valenčič Zuljan, Darjo Zuljan

Review article

Student-centred instruction in science and technology : a model of factors at organizational and individual levels

2021 | Milena Valenčič Zuljan, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Student-centred instruction in science and technology : a model of factors at organizational and individual levels = Na učenca osredinjen pouk naravoslovja in tehnike: model dejavnikov na organizacijski in individualni ravni

2021 | Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Stajališta studenata o tehnici, tehnologiji i tehnološkoj edukaciji

2021 | Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Stjecanje kompetencija studenata kroz pripremu i izvedbu projektnih aktivnosti u praksi

2021 | Darjo Zuljan, Darjo Felda

Scientific Monograph

Poticajno okruženje za učenje i poučavanje : razvoj kompetencija studenata

2021 | Nastja Cotič, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Studentsʼ views on the use of information and communication technology and experiential learning in science lessons

2021 | Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Cognitive constructivist way of teaching scientific and technical contents

2021 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Teacher self-assessment of their science and technics competences and professional development

2020 | Darjo Zuljan, Darjo Felda

Scientific Monograph

Tehnološka pismenost študentov pedagoških smeri

2020 | Nastja Cotič, Janja Plazar, Andreja Istenič, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

The effect of outdoor lessons in natural sciences on students' knowledge, through tablets and experiential learning

2020 | Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Raziskovalni pouk ob mikroskopiranju v kontekstu medpredmetnega sodelovanja učiteljev

2019 | Darjo Zuljan, Uroš Zupanc

Original scientific paper

Penetrantska preiskava utrujenostnih razpok na aluminijevi zlitini 7075 = Penetrant testing of fatigue cracks in the aluminum alloy 7075

2019 | Nastja Cotič, Darjo Zuljan, Janja Plazar

Original scientific paper

Vpliv uporabe IKT in izkustvenega učenja na mnenje učencev o naravoslovnem dnevu na morski obali

2018 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Pre-service preschool teachers' opinions on technology education in kindergarten = Mišljenja studenata predškolskog odgoja o tehnološkom obrazovanju u predškolskim ustanovama

2018 | Nastja Cotič, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Examples of the use of experiential learning and information and communication technology (ICT) in the science classroom

2018 | Miloš Jovanović, Miro Uran, Darjo Zuljan, Uroš Zupanc

Published scientific conference contribution

Some aspects of training, qualification and certification of welders in Slovenia

2018 | Miro Uran, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Impact parameters on weld quality at modern resistance welding

2018 | Darjo Zuljan, Miloš Jovanović, Uroš Zupanc

Original scientific paper

Analiza ultrazvočnih kontaktnih sredstev = Analisys of the ultrasonic testing couplants

2018 | Nastja Cotič, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Examples of the use of experiential learning and information and communication technology (ICT) in the science classroom

2018 | Tina Štemberger, Sonja Čotar Konrad, Sonja Rutar, Amalija Žakelj, Milena Valenčič Zuljan, Darjo Zuljan

Scientific Monograph

Oblikovanje inovativnih učnih okolij = Constructing innovative learning environments

2017 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Popravek transferne izgube ultrazvočnega defektoskopa pri umerjanju z AVG metodo = Transfer loss correction of the ultrasonic flaw detector at calibration by DGS method

2017 | Miloš Jovanović, Darjo Zuljan

Published professional paper at the conference

Obuka i sertifikacija osoblja koje izvodi ispitivanje bez razaranja (IBR) u industriji

2017 | Nastja Cotič, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Uporaba informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije med poukom naravoslovja in tehnike

2017 | Uroš Zupanc, Darjo Zuljan, Miloš Jovanović, Miro Uran

Published scientific conference contribution

Izkušnje uporabe napredne ultrazvočne preiskave

2016 | Darjo Zuljan, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Pomen tehnološke pismenosti za nudenje pomoči in podpore učencem s posebnimi potrebami

2016 | Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution (invited talk)

Optimizacija kakovosti postopkov navarjanja v Sloveniji najpogosteje uporabljenih orodnih jekel z Nd-YAG laserjem

2016 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Lasersko navarjanje orodnega jekla 60WCrV7 = Laser cladding of tool steel 60WCrV7

2015 | Miloš Jovanović, Miro Uran, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Assessing the size of lack-of-fusion imperfections in MIG/MAG welds using Computed Tomography

2015 | Darjo Zuljan, Nastja Cotič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Izvajanje tehniških dejavnosti v vrtcu

2015 | Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Tehnološka pismenost študentov, bodočih učiteljev, z vidika znanja, izkušenj ter ocene pomembnosti tehnologije v življenju in v procesu šolanja = Technological literacy of student- future teachers - from the perspective of knowledge, experience and evaluation of the importance of the technology in life and education

2015 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Procena studenata - budućih odgajatelja o značaju različitih čimbenika pri izvođenju tehnoloških aktivnosti i razvoju tehnološke pismenosti u vrtiću

2014 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Temperaturno polje med procesom laserskega rezanja : primer novega pristopa inženirske pedagogike

2014 | Darjo Zuljan, Barica Marentič-Požarnik, Mara Cotič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Tehnološka pismenost v obdobju zgodnjega učenja

2014 | Uroš Zupanc, Darjo Zuljan, Miro Uran

Published scientific conference contribution

Advanced ultrasonic inspection in Slovenia

2013 | Darjo Zuljan, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, Amalija Žakelj

Scientific Monograph

Tehnološka pismenost in seznanjenost pomočnice vzgojiteljic s podpornimi tehnologijami za otroke s posebnimi potrebami

2012 | Uroš Zupanc, Darjo Zuljan, Miro Uran

Published professional paper at the conference

Phased array ultrasonic testing, practical experiences in Slovenia = Phased array ultrazvučna kontrola, praktična iskustva u Sloveniji

2012 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Ultrazvočna kontrola sočelnega zvara iz različno debelih pločevin

2011 | Milena Valenčič Zuljan, Darjo Zuljan, Samo Pavlin

Original scientific paper

Towards improvements in teachersʼ professional development through the reflective learning paradigm : the case of Slovenia

2011 | Darjo Zuljan

Expert Article

Vseživljenjsko učenje na Institutu za varilstvo

2010 | Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Lasersko, TIG in plazemsko reparaturno navarjanje orodnega jekla X40CrMoV5-1

2010 | Darjo Zuljan

Other learning material

Ultrazvočni preskus zvarnega spoja : študijsko gradivo

2010 | Miro Uran, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

New modern technologies used in education and certification of welding personnel

2010 | Darjo Zuljan, Miro Uran

Original scientific paper

Optimization of the laser wire cladding of tool steels using factor analysis

2010 | Darjo Zuljan

Short Scientific Contribution

Novi trendi pri izobraževanju in certificiranju varilcev : prenos inovacij standarda prEN ISO 9606-1 v prakso

2009 | Darjo Zuljan

Other learning material

Metodika tehnične vzgoje - MTV 2 : vizualizacija, mikroskopi, tehnično risanje, preprosti stroji : študijsko gradivo

2009 | Mara Cotič, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Matematičko-tehničke radionice u vrtiču i razvoj detetovog talenta

2009 | Darjo Zuljan, Mara Cotič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Povezava med tehničnimi in matematičnimi dejavnostmi v vrtcu

2009 | Darjo Zuljan

Expert Article

Vpliv materiala preizkušanca na NDT preiskave

2008 | Darjo Zuljan

Other learning material

Metodika tehnične vzgoje - MTV 1 : zgodovina tehnologije, tehnologija materialov, orodja : študijsko gradivo

2008 | Miro Uran, Darjo Zuljan, Miloš Jovanović

Published professional paper at the conference

Tecnologías modernas en la fabricación y aplicación termomecánica de la unión de los materiales avanzados = Modern technologies in the thermomechanical manufacture and application of joining of advances materials

2008 | Darjo Zuljan, Miro Uran

Published professional paper at the conference

Lasersko reparaturno navarjanje na orodno jeklo X40CrMoV5-1

2007 | Darjo Zuljan

Other learning material

Metodika tehnične vzgoje

2007 | Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Other learning material

Teaching welding workers

2006 | Darjo Zuljan, Janez Grum

Short Scientific Contribution

Non-destructive metallographic analysis of surfaces and microstructures by means of replicas

2006 | Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Conceptions of learning held by technical science students

2005 | Jana Kalin, Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Measurement and assessment of knowledge as guides to quality teaching and learning

2005 | Darjo Zuljan, Janez Grum

Short Scientific Contribution

Neporušitvena metalografija in neporušitvena analiza 3D površine

2005 | Darjo Zuljan, Janez Grum

Published scientific conference contribution

Non-destructive metallographic analysis of surfaces and microstructures by means of replicas

2005 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Frequency analyses of a signal of IR radiation from the cutting front and surface profile height in laser cutting of austenitic stainless steel

2005 | Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Pristopi k učenju pri študentih tehnike : družbene in tehnološke spremembe zahtevajo spremenjeno učenje

2005 | Jana Kalin, Darjo Zuljan, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Measurement and assessment of knowledge as guides to quality teaching and learning

2005 | Milena Valenčič Zuljan, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Motivacijski, sodelovalni in matemagenski vidiki v pojmovanjih študentov bodočih učiteljev

2004 | Darjo Zuljan, Janez Grum

Published scientific conference contribution

Neporušitvena metalografija in neporušitvena analiza 3D površine

2004 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

A comparative analysis of laser-cut surfaces obtained with two different lasers

2003 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Frequency analyses of a signal of IR radiation from the cutting front and surface profile height in laser cutting of austenitic stainless steel

2002 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Frequency analyses of a signal of IR radiation from the cutting front and surface profile height in laser cutting of austenitic stainless steel

2002 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Frequency analyses of voltage signal IR radiation from the cutting front and cut surface at laser cutting of austenitic stainless steel

2001 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Estimation of the quality of cut obtained by laser cutting = Procjena kakvoće reza dobivenog reznim laserom

2000 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Estimation of cut quality after laser cutting of austenitic stainless and mild steels

1999 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Review article

Analiza laserskega rezanja hladno valjane pločevine za zahteven globoki vlek = Analysis of laser cutting of cold-rolled plate for demanding deep draw

1999 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Analiza laserskoga rezanja hladno valjane trake za duboko izvlačenje = Analysis of laser cutting of cold-rolled plate for a demanding deep draw

1999 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Optimization of the process of laser cutting of steel

1999 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Analiza laserskega rezanja hladno valjane pločevine za zahteven globoki vlek = [Analysis of the laser assisted roll sheet metal cutting process aplied for highly demanding deep drawing]

1998 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Analiza procesa laserskega rezanja s pomožnim plinom kisikom = Analysis of laser cutting process with supply of oxygen as auxiliary gas

1997 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

The thermal response of the material during a laser cutting process

1997 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Lasersko rezanje kovinskih materialov, ocenjevanje kakovosti reza in optimizacija procesa = Laser cutting metal materials, estimation of cut quality and process optimisation

1997 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Optimisation of the process of laser cutting steel

1997 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Lasersko rezanje kovinskih materialov, ocenjevanje kakovosti reza in optimizacija procesa

1997 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Temperature measurement by means of infrared radiation intensity at laser cutting

1997 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Optimization of laser cutting austenitic stainless steel

1997 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Optimization of laser cutting with oxygen as auxiliary gas

1997 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Optimization of the process of laser cutting austenitic stainless steel

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Thermal response analysis of laser cutting austenitic stainless steel

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Analiza laserskega procesa rezanja na avstenitnem jeklu in ocenjevanje kvalitete reza = Analysis of laser cutting on austenitic stainless steel and quality of the cut estimation

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Analysis of heat effects in laser cutting of steels

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Estimation of the quality of cut after laser cutting austenitic stainless steel

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Thermal response analysis of laser cutting austenitic stainless steel

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Thermal response analysis of laser cutting austenitic stainless steel

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

Analiza laserskega rezanja na avstenitnem nerjavnem jeklu in ocenjevanje kvalitete reza = Analysis of laser cutting on austenitic stainless steel and quality of the cut estimation

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Estimation of cut quality after laser cutting of austenic stainless steel

1996 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Optimization of laser cutting austenitic stainless steel

1995 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Analysis of Heat Circumstances in Laser Cutting of Steels

1994 | Darjo Zuljan, Janez Grum

Published scientific conference contribution

Detection of Heat Responses in Laser Cutting

1993 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Thermal Responses in a Stainless Steel After Laser Cutting

1993 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Thermal Response Analysis of Cutting Metal Materials with Laser

1992 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Lasers in industry

1991 | Janez Grum, Darjo Zuljan

Published scientific conference contribution

Identifikacija procesa laserskega rezanja s popisom sprememb pri materialu