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Prof. PhD. Andreja Istenič

Strokovni oz. znanstveni naslov: doktorica znanosti
Pedagoški naziv: redna profesorica
Matično področje : didaktika
Znanstveni naziv: znanstvena svetnica
Elektronski naslov:
Telefonska številka: 05 663 12 51
Kabinet: Kabinet za pedagoške vede in družboslovne vede (DŠDK)
Oddelek: Oddelek za edukacijske vede
Bibliografija: COBISS
Pedagoško delo:

Sodobna spoznanja edukacijskih ved, IKT in izobraževalna tehnologija v funkciji spodbujanja ustvarjalnosti, IKT pri poučevanju in učenju udeležencev s posebnimi potrebami, Sodobna okolja za poučevanje in učenje.    

Znanstveno-raziskovalno delo: SICRIS


Raziskovanje na področju učenja in poučevanja ter vključevanja medijev in informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije.

Vodenje projektov:

  • Projekt J5-4281(A), RAZKORAK Longitudinalna raziskava kompetenčnega potenciala univerzitetnih diplomantov in razkoraka med aktualiziranimi kompetencami in potrebami na trgu dela v tehniki, izobraževanju in zdravstvu (2011-2014),
  • Vodja delovnega paketa za izobraževanje in usposabljanje v evropskem projektu 6 OP »I3CON Industrialized, Integrated Intelligent Construction« (2006-2010),
  • ENABLE Enable Network of ICT Supported Learning for Disabled People (2011-2014).
Druge dejavnosti:
  • Od leta 2010 članica uredniškega odbora British Journal of Educational Technology; Od 2009 regionalna urednica za Vzhodno Evropo International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.
  • Recenzentka v revijah: Educational Technology Research and Development, Journal of Computing and Higher Education, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Nurse Education Today, Elementarno izobraževanje.
  • Članica programskih odborov mednarodnih konferenc: ICL (2006-2010) - Interactive computer aided learning, NETNEP 2014 5th International Nurse Education Conference, EDUCON 2014 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, SDM’2014 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, ICALT2014 - International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sciences.
  • Organizatorica sekcije na mednarodni konferenci ICCHP 2014 - International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Naslov sekcije: Differentiation, Individualisation and Influencing Factors in ICT-Assisted Learning for People with Special Needs.
  • Od 2006 do 2011 v skupini koordinatorjev mreže 27 za Didaktiko Evropske asociacije za raziskovanje v izobraževanju (EERA – European Education Research Association).
  • Leta 2012 ARRS izjemni dosežek v znanosti: ISTENIČ STARČIČ, Andreja, COTIČ, Mara, ZAJC, Matej. Design-based research on the use of a tangible user interface for geometry teaching in an inclusive classroom. British journal of educational technology, 2013,  44, 5, 729-744.
  • Honorary Fellow na Macquarie University Sydney.

2025 | Ivan Bratko, Mateja Gačnik, Vid Podpečan, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Robot NAO integrated lesson vs. traditional lesson : measuring learning outcomes on the topic of “societal change” and the mediating effect of students' attitudes

2024 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Researching a child's perspective of experiencing positive feelings through photography and interview = Issledovaniye detskoy perspektivy perezhivaniya pozitivnykh chuvstv s pomoshch'yu fotografii i interv'yu

2024 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Dataset higher education students’ use of online learning resourcesand related beliefs

2024 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Empowering visual programming and motor board instruction in STEAM education : integrating computational thinking and scaffolding learning for improving learning performance and engagement of students

2024 | Andreja Istenič

Review article

Blended learning in higher education : the integrated and distributed model and a thematic analysis

2024 | Andreja Istenič, Žiga Turk

Original scientific paper

Reluctance to authenticity-imbued social robots as child-interaction partners

2024 | Nežka Sajinčič, Anna Malgorzata Sandak, Amy Noel Simmons, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

How do native and non-native speakers recognize emotions in the instructor’s voice in educational video : exploring the first step of the cognitive-affective model of e-learning for international learners

2023 | Andreja Istenič, Mateja Gačnik, Barbara Horvat, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, Maja Lebeničnik, Maja Mezgec, Marina Volk, Edvard Protner, Darjo Zuljan

Scientific Monograph

Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo = Upbringing and education between the past and the future

2023 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Coaching in the leadership for development-oriented work in educational organization in a crisis situation = Kouching v upravlenii razvitiyem obrazovatel'noy organizatsii v usloviyakh krizisa

2023 | Mateja Gačnik, Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Logopedska obravnava jecljanja in kompetence v luči preteklosti in sedanjosti

2023 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Robotska podpora pri pouku

2023 | Andreja Istenič, Mateja Gačnik, Barbara Horvat, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, Maja Lebeničnik, Maja Mezgec, Marina Volk, Edvard Protner, Darjo Zuljan

Scientific Monograph

Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo = Upbringing and education between the past and the future

2023 | Vesna Ferk Savec, Andrej Flogie, Urška Martinc, Viktorija Florjančič, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Andreja Istenič, Mateja Brejc, Maja Vičič Krabonja, Vesna Skrbinjek

Published scientific conference contribution

Blended learning in Slovenian higher education

2023 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Solving the self-regulated learning problem : exploring the performance of ChatGPT in mathematics

2023 | Andreja Istenič, Blaž Simčič, Marina Volk

Original scientific paper

Croatian elementary school teachers’ maths teaching efficacy beliefs : knowledge domains and cross-curricular maths in the post-digital era

2023 | Andreja Istenič, Mateja Gačnik

Original scientific paper

Surveying parents of preschool children about digital and analogue play and parent–child interaction

2023 | Andreja Istenič, Marina Volk, Mateja Gačnik

Original scientific paper

Parental perceptions of child’s play in the post-digital era : parents’ dilemma with digital formats Informing the kindergarten curriculum

2023 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Robotska podpora pri pouku

2022 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Uporaba IKT pri samoregulacijskem učenju študentov

2022 | Tina Kavčič, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Digital devices in early childhood play : digital technology in the first two years of Slovene toddlers’ lives = Cifrovye ustrojstva v igrah detej mladšego vozrasta : cifrovye tehnologii v prvye dva goda žizni slovenskih malyšej

2022 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Challenges and opportunities of education in the COVID-19 pandemic : teacher perception on applying AI chatbot for online language learning

2022 | Nežka Sajinčič, Anna Malgorzata Sandak, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

How do Slovenian educators feel about gamification : interested to know more = Otnosheniye slovenskikh vlastey k geymifikatsii

2022 | Nežka Sajinčič, Anna Malgorzata Sandak, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Pre-service and in-service teacher's view on gamification

2022 | Andreja Istenič, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

How communion and agentic beliefs predict technology-supported formal and informal learning : the implications for educational technology

2021 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Exploring the usability of web-based Java compiler as learning tool

2021 | Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Teacher's social and emotional competences : a study among student teachers and students in education science in Slovenia

2021 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

A stranger in the classroom : pre-service teachers' anxiety and negative attitudes toward humanoid social robots

2021 | Andreja Istenič, Ivan Bratko

Original scientific paper

Are pre-service teachers disinclined to utilise embodied humanoid social robots in the classroom?

2021 | Andreja Istenič, Ivan Bratko

Original scientific paper

Pre-service teachers' concerns about social robots in the classroom : a model for development = Otnošenie učitelej k social'n'm robotam v obrazovanii : model razvitija

2021 | Andreja Klančar, Andreja Istenič, Mara Cotič, Amalija Žakelj

Original scientific paper

Problem-based geometry in seventh grade : examining the effect of path-based vs. conventional instruction on learning outcomes

2021 | Andreja Istenič

Review article

A review of artificial intelligence (AI) in education from 2010 to 2020

2021 | Andreja Istenič

Short Scientific Contribution

Shifting to digital during COVID-19 - are teachers empowered to give voice to students?

2021 | Andreja Istenič

Short Scientific Contribution

Online learning under COVID-19 - re-examining the prominence of video-based and text-based feedback

2021 | Andreja Istenič, Teja Koler-Povh

Scientific Monograph

Educational technology and the construction of authentic learning environments : [scientific monograph]

2020 | Andreja Istenič, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

Investigation of university students' perception of their educators as role models and designers of digitalized curricula

2020 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Optimal multimedia combination for students with dyslexia

2020 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Enhancing students' learning outcomes of a STEM permutations course through a game based visual programming environment with qualifying rank strategy

2020 | Nastja Cotič, Janja Plazar, Andreja Istenič, Darjo Zuljan

Original scientific paper

The effect of outdoor lessons in natural sciences on students' knowledge, through tablets and experiential learning

2020 | Tea Romih, Matja Zalar, Kristina Sepčić, Andreja Istenič, Matej Kristan, Tomaž Prosen, Robert Roškar, Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela, Zoran Ren, Štefko Miklavič, Boris Žemva, Anastasija Panevska

Other monographs and other completed works

Podelitev nagrade Mentor leta 2019

2020 | Andreja Istenič, Martin Kramar, Matjaž Debevc, Teja Koler-Povh

Scientific Monograph

Izobraževalna tehnologija in izgradnja avtentičnega učnega okolja : [znanstvena monografija]

2020 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

The robot in the classroom - a review of a robot role

2020 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Examining the contemporary digital divide of university students with specific reference to students with special educational needs

2020 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Multilingual publishing in the social sciences and humanities : a seven-country European study

2020 | Žiga Turk, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Toward deep impacts of BIM on education

2019 | Nežka Sajinčič, Anna Malgorzata Sandak, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution (invited talk)

Gamification in education and learning

2019 | Maja Lebeničnik, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Beno Arnejčič, Andreja Istenič, Mateja Gačnik, Marina Volk

Independent professional essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Social-emotional competencies among Slovenian teachers

2019 | Nežka Sajinčič, Andreja Istenič, Anna Malgorzata Sandak

Published scientific conference contribution

Reverse mentoring as an alternative strategy for lifelong learning in the workplace

2019 | Saša Podgoršek, Andreja Istenič, Brigita Kacjan

Original scientific paper

The foreign language teacher's role in ICT-supported instruction

2019 | Andreja Istenič

Review article

A review of social robots in classrooms - emerging educational technology and teacher education = Obzor sotsial'nykh robotov v klassakh - novyye obrazovatel'nyye tekhnologii i pedagogicheskoye obrazovaniye

2019 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Senior academics as key negotiators in the implementation of impact policies in the social sciences and humanities

2019 | Andreja Istenič

Review article

Guidelines for data sharing and data citation in social sciences and humanities journals perspectives and insights from the cost action Enressh

2019 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Teachersʼ perception of data-driven school ecosystem and data analytics

2019 | Andreja Istenič, Matjaž Mikoš

Expert Article

Delovni mentorji študentom UL FGG - povezovalni člen med akademskim in delovnim okoljem = Working mentors for UL FGG students - a link between academic and work environment

2019 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Using motion capture technologies to provide advanced feedback and scaffolds for learning

2018 | Marina Volk, Mara Cotič, Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Prostočasna uporaba računalnika osemletnikov

2018 | Matej Zajc, Andreja Istenič, Maja Lebeničnik, Mateja Gačnik

Original scientific paper

Tablet game-supported speech therapy embedded in children's popular practices

2018 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Are book publications disappearing from scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities?

2018 | Maruška Šubic Kovač, Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Pojmovanje trajnostnega razvoja študentov pri predmetih s področja urejanja prostora = Studentsʼ perceptions of sustainable development in spatial planning courses

2018 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Are book publications disappearing from scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities?

2018 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Distance learning for aesthetic education - informed professional development and life-long learning of student teachers

2018 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

The online learning resources definition and students use in higher education across disciplines

2018 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Factors related to the use of online learning resources : the perception of environmental and contextual barriers of students with special educational needs and their peers

2018 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Social media and the high school environment

2018 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Motion capture technology supporting cognitive, psychomotor and affective-social learning

2018 | Andreja Istenič, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

Designing learning for sustainable development : digital practices as boundary crossers and predictors of sustainable lifestyles

2018 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities - evidence from eight European countries

2018 | Mateja Gačnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Information communication technology use among students in inclusive classrooms

2018 | Mateja Gačnik, Andreja Istenič, Janez Zaletelj, Matej Zajc

Original scientific paper

User-centred app design for speech sound disorders interventions with tablet computers

2017 | Matej Zajc, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Designing educational tablet games with the interdisciplinary team of students : developing university-industry partnerships

2017 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Digital storytelling and mobile learning : potentials for internationalization of higher education curriculum

2017 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Vloga spletnih družbenih omrežij pri razvoju kariernih kompetenc študentov gradbeništva in geodezije = The role of social netwo[r]king sites in the development of career competences for civil and geodetic engineering students

2017 | Marina Volk, Mara Cotič, Matej Zajc, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Tablet-based cross-curricular maths vs. traditional maths classroom practice for higher-order learning outcomes

2017 | Andreja Istenič, Matej Zajc, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

Students' attitudes on social network sites and their actual use for career management competences and professional identity development

2016 | Armand Faganel, Anita Trnavčevič, Andreja Istenič, Justina Erčulj

Scientific Monograph

Diskurz marketizacije javnega visokošolskega izobraževanja skozi časopisne članke

2016 | Špela Bagon, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Attitudes towards inclusion by Slovenian teachers in the context of findings from other countries = Otnošenie slovenskih učitelej k inkljuzivnomu obrazovaniju v sravnenii s rezul'tatami issledovanij drugih stran

2016 | Andreja Istenič, Žiga Turk

Published scientific conference contribution

Ubiquitous learning and digital literacy practices connecting teacher and learner

2016 | Andreja Istenič, Mara Cotič, Marina Volk

Original scientific paper

Engaging preservice primary and preprimary school teachers in digital storytelling for the teaching and learning of mathematics

2015 | Ana Bardorfer, Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Prehod v odraslost kot dejavnik ravnanja in odločanja pri učenju

2015 | Dejan Hozjan, Anna Kožuh, Ada Holcar, Vida Medved-Udovič, Andreja Istenič

Scientific Monograph

Aktivnosti učencev v učnem procesu

2015 | Majda Cencič, Mara Cotič, Milena Ivanuš-Grmek, Andreja Istenič

Scientific Monograph

Izbrani pristopi k spodbujanju refleksije učiteljev

2015 | Andreja Istenič, Žiga Turk, Matej Zajc

Original scientific paper

Transforming pedagogical approaches using tangible user interface enabled computer assisted learning

2015 | Andreja Istenič, Žiga Turk

Original scientific paper

Pogled na študijski proces skozi analizo praktičnega usposabljanja = View on learning process by analysing practical training

2015 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Use of online learning resources in the development of learning environments at the intersection of formal and informal learning : the student as autonomous designer

2015 | Andreja Istenič, Maruška Šubic Kovač

Original scientific paper

Trajnostni prostorski razvoj v visokošolskem izobraževanju = Sustainable spatial development in higher education

2015 | Matjaž Mikoš, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Varstvo okolja in univerzitetni študij tehnike = Environment protection and university technical curriculum

2015 | Irena Trobec, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Developing nursing ethical competences online versus in the traditional classroom

2014 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Ustvarjalnost pri organizaciji in izvedbi aktivnosti učencev v bolnišnični šoli

2014 | Irena Trobec, Vesna Čuk, Andreja Istenič

Review article

Kompetence zdravstvene nege ter opredelitev strategij razvoja kompetenc na dodiplomskem študiju zdravstvene nege = Competence in nursing practice and strategies for the development of competences in the undergraduate nursing curriculum : Irena Trobec, Vesna Čuk, Andreja Istenič Starčič

2014 | Matija Svetina, Andreja Istenič, Matevž Juvančič, Tomaž Novljan, Maruška Šubic Kovač, Špela Verovšek, Tadeja Zupančič

Original scientific paper

Beliefs about the environment : moving from the egocentric towards the ecocentric perspective

2014 | Matjaž Mikoš, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Prenova študija vodarstva in okoljskega inženirstva na UL FGG = Refurbishment of the study programme on water management and ecological engineering at UL FGG

2014 | Mateja Gačnik, Majda Cencič, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

ICT supported therapeutic practice for people with speech and language disorders

2014 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Learning environments - not just smart for some!

2014 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Differentiation, individualization and influencing factors in ICT assisted learning for people with special needs : introduction to the special thematic session

2014 | Maruška Šubic Kovač, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Studentsʼ conceptions, methods and approaches in learning for sustainable development

2014 | Andreja Istenič, Špela Bagon

Review article

ICT - supported learning for inclusion of people with special needs : Review of seven educational technology journals, 1970-2011

2013 | Boštjan Bugarič, Neža Čebron Lipovec, Tina Cotič, Andreja Istenič

Professional monograph

Mesto otok - Izola

2013 | Andreja Istenič, Mara Cotič, Matej Zajc

Original scientific paper

Design-based research on the use of a tangible user interface for geometry teaching in an inclusive classroom

2013 | Andreja Istenič, Žiga Turk

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

E-Learning and M-Learning for Students with Special Learning Needs : Competence Registration in Design of Personalised Learning Environment

2013 | Nadja Plazar, Andreja Istenič, Boštjan Žvanut, Cécil J. W. Meulenberg

Original scientific paper

Students' well-being in nursing undergraduate education

2013 | Matija Svetina, Andreja Istenič, Matevž Juvančič, Tomaž Novljan, Maruška Šubic Kovač, Špela Verovšek, Tadeja Zupančič

Original scientific paper

How children come to understand sustainable development : a contribution to educational agenda

2012 | Dejan Hozjan, Marko Strle, Andreja Istenič, Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec

Scientific Monograph

Inkluzija v sodobni šoli

2012 | Matjaž Mikoš, Samo Jakljič, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Statistical and demographic analysis of geodesy students apprentices in Slovenia in the period from 2008 to 2011 = Statistično-demografska analiza praktikantov študentov geodezije v Sloveniji v obdobju 2008-2011

2012 | Matjaž Mikoš, Samo Jakljič, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Statistično-demografska analiza praktikantov študentov geodezije v Sloveniji v obdobju 2008-2011 = Statistical and demographic analysis of geodesy students apprentices in Slovenia in the period from 2008 to 2011

2012 | Andreja Istenič

Short Scientific Contribution

Competence management system design in international multicultural environment : registration, transfer, recognition and transparency

2012 | Matej Zajc, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Potentials of the Tangible User Interface (TUI) in enhancing inclusion of people with special needs in the ICT-assisted learning and e-accessibility

2012 | Andreja Istenič, Kemal Alič, Matej Zajc

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

The Delphi Technique as a Participatory Methodology in Design, Developmnent and Evaluation of T-Learning : E-learning Evaluation as a Social Practice

2012 | Majda Cencič, Andreja Istenič, Bogdana Borota

Original scientific paper

Teacher competencies for incorporating ICT into classroom practice : a survey from Slovenia

2011 | Andreja Istenič, Matej Zajc

Short Scientific Contribution

An interactive tangible user interface application for learning addition concepts

2011 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Students' perception of field placement in professional competency and identity construction : transdisciplinary study in education, health and engineering

2011 | Dejan Križaj, Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Introduction of the learning management system into the tourism study programme in Slovenia

2010 | Matej Zajc, Andreja Istenič

Other monographs and other completed works

Načrtovanje, razvoj in evalvacija interaktivnih izobraževalnih aplikacij z uporabo interaktivne mize Trackmate : delo je pripravljeno v skladu s Pravilnikom o podeljevanju Prešernovih nagrad študentom, pod mentorstvom doc. dr. Mateja Zajca in somentorstvom doc. dr. Andreje Istenič Starčič

2010 | Mladen Savić, Andreja Istenič, Matej Zajc

Published scientific conference contribution

Uporaba inovativnih interaktivnih aplikacij v učnem procesu : učenje seštevanja z uporabo interaktivne mize

2010 | Marina Volk, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Razvoj računalniških didaktičnih programov s poudarkom na medpredmetnem povezovanju

2010 | Andreja Istenič

Short Scientific Contribution

Vocational students with severe learning difficulties learning on the Internet

2010 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Information and Communication Technology Teachers' Initial Education

2010 | Andreja Istenič, Žiga Turk

Published scientific conference contribution (invited talk)

Powerful Learning Environments in Engineering Education

2010 | Andreja Istenič

Short Scientific Contribution

Usposobljenost učiteljev za poučevanje o trajnostnem razvoju v grajenem okolju

2010 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Educational technology for the inclusive classroom

2010 | Andreja Istenič, Žiga Turk

Review article

Slovenski študenti geodezije in informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija = Geodesy students in Slovenia and information & communication technology

2010 | Tadeja Zupančič, Špela Verovšek, Matevž Juvančič, Matija Svetina, Tomaž Novljan, Maruška Šubic Kovač, Andreja Istenič

Short Scientific Contribution

Vseživljensko izobraževanje o grajenem okolju za trajnostni razvoj Slovenije = Education for sustainable development in the built environment in Slovenia

2010 | Andreja Istenič, Tatjana Vonta

Original scientific paper

Mentorstvo na delovnem mestu - ocena učinkov sodelovanja v mentorskih timih in e-portfoliu na razvoj generičnih kompetenc

2009 | Andreja Istenič

University, higher education or peer-reviewed textbook

Virbus simulation game based virtual learning environment for international business management in hospitality industry and destination management : for university students

2009 | Kemal Alič, Andreja Istenič, Jurij F. Tasič, Matej Zajc

Original scientific paper

Razvoj interaktivnih multimedijskih televizijskih učnih vsebin v okolju DVB-T = Conceptual interactive multimedia television learning-content production

2009 | Andreja Istenič

Short Scientific Contribution

Edukcijski vidiki trajnostnega razvoja

2009 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Simulation game based learning - innovative practices of human resource development

2009 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Industrialised, Integrated, Intelligent Construction Training Concept

2009 | Andreja Istenič, Maruška Šubic Kovač

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Mentoring dimensions in knowledge and innovation development

2009 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Industrialized, Integrated, Intelligent Construction : Stakeholders Requirements Analysis in a Process of Innovation Development and Transfer

2009 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Web Based Training Simulation Design for Optimization of Energy Efficient Technology

2009 | Matej Zajc, Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Interactive multimedia t-learning environments : potential of DVB-T for learning

2009 | Andreja Istenič, Maruška Šubic Kovač

Scientific Monograph

University & industry knowledge transfer and innovation

2009 | Tadeja Zupančič, Tomaž Novljan, Matevž Juvančič, Maruška Šubic Kovač, Andreja Istenič, Matija Svetina

Short Scientific Contribution

Izobraževanje o grajenem okolju za trajnostni razvoj Slovenije = Education for sustainable development in the built environment in Slovenia

2009 | Tadeja Zupančič, Tomaž Novljan, Matevž Juvančič, Špela Verovšek, Maruška Šubic Kovač, Andreja Istenič, Matija Svetina

Review article

Konkretizacija pojma trajnostnega prostorskega razvoja za oceno osveščenosti otrok in mladostnikov = The concretization of the term sustainable spatial development for the assessment of child and juvenile awareness

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Sustaining teacher's professional development and trainig through web-based communities of practice

2008 | Maruška Šubic Kovač, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution (invited talk)

Blended learning course in Real Estate : Connecting initial education with professional development and training

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Learning e-portfolio facilities and functions

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Simulation game - based virtual learning

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Virtual International Business Management Learning Environment for Hospitality and Destination management - VIRBUS : Pedagogical Design

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

The significance of children's experience of computers in their everyday life

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution (invited talk)

Game-based learning in higher education and lifelong learning : Bridging the gap between theory and practice

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Introducing game-based virtual learning environment : managing educational change in higher education

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

E-portfolio for professional learning community

2008 | Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Developing virtual simulation game for authentic learning : Realizing partnership between university and industry

2007 | Tatjana Vonta, Sonja Rutar, Andreja Istenič, Bogdana Borota, Jože Rugelj, Milena Valenčič Zuljan

Scientific Monograph

Mentorstvo v profesionalnem razvoju učitelja in vzgojitelja

2007 | Majda Cencič, Mara Cotič, Andreja Istenič, Vida Medved-Udovič

Scientific Monograph

Raziskovalni pogledi na razvijanje pedagoške prakse. Izbrana pedagoška področja

2007 | Majda Cencič, Mara Cotič, Andreja Istenič, Vida Medved-Udovič, Anja Zorman

Professional monograph

Raziskovalni pogledi na razvijanje pedagoške prakse. Primeri raziskav strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju

2007 | Andreja Istenič

Other learning material

Mentorstvo pri visokošolskem študiju

2007 | Robert Klinc, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

The comparative study of the ICT collaborative environments in master courses ITC Euromaster and A/E/C University of Stanford

2007 | Andreja Istenič, Andrej Brodnik, Matjaž Kljun

Published scientific conference contribution

Information Communication Educational Technologies in Lifelong Learning of Underprivileged Groups

2007 | Andreja Istenič, Andrej Brodnik, Matjaž Kljun

Original scientific paper

The Development of the Collaborative Model of ICT Learning System for Lifelong Learning

2007 | Andreja Istenič

Independent professional essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Raziskovanje uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije v vrtcu in šoli

2006 | Andreja Istenič

Other learning material

Mentorstvo v kliničnem okolju

2006 | Andreja Istenič, Maruška Šubic Kovač

Published scientific conference contribution (invited talk)

E-tutor - the student support system for raising the quality of the learning process and learning outcomes in the undergraduate civil and geodetic engineering education

2006 | Maruška Šubic Kovač, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Kompetence diplomantov gradbeništva - evropski raziskovalni projekt TUNING = Competences of graduates in civil engineering - the European Research Project TUNING

2006 | Andreja Istenič, Maruška Šubic Kovač

Original scientific paper

Teachers' professional development as precondition for adopting e-tutoring : developing the organisational culture for facilitative role of teachers in higher education

2006 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Kompetence učiteljev za vključitev izobraževalne tehnologije v zgodnje učenje

2006 | Majda Cencič, Mara Cotič, Andreja Istenič, Vida Medved-Udovič, Eda Birsa

Other learning material

Raziskovalni izzivi v pedagoški praksi

2006 | Matjaž Kljun, Andrej Brodnik, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

LMS in the pre-school education program

2005 | Andreja Istenič, Robert Klinc, Matej Fischinger, Žiga Turk

Published scientific conference contribution

Computer based learning in earthquake engineering - giving control to students

2005 | Andreja Istenič

Other learning material

Developing e-Learning strategies in lifelong learning

2005 | Andreja Istenič

Review article

Sodelovalno učenje pri uporabi računalnika na predmetni stopnji osnovne šole

2005 | Andreja Istenič, Andrej Brodnik

Original scientific paper

Usposabljanje učiteljev za uporabo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije

2004 | Slavko Dolinšek, Andreja Istenič, Janez Kopač

Published scientific conference contribution

Education for manufacturing - from discipline to the competency based approach : case of Slovenia

2004 | Slavko Dolinšek, Andreja Istenič, Janez Kopač

Published scientific conference contribution

Education for manufacturing - from discipline to the competency based approach

2004 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Vloga izobraževalcev odraslih na ljudskih univerzah pri spodbujanju e-izobraževanja in odpravljanju regijskega neskladja = The role of adult educators in peoples` universities in fostering e-learning and the regional disparities

2004 | Andreja Istenič

Expert Article

E-izobraževanje članov komisij za preverjanje in potrjevanje nacionalnih poklicnih kvalifikacij

2004 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Improving quality of adult part=time higher education with the implementation technologies in teaching snd learning

2004 | Andrej Brodnik, Andreja Istenič, Jože Rugelj

Other monographs and other completed works

TTC in ICT - Teacher training competencies in ICT

2003 | Metka Svetina, Vera Mlinar, Nataša Elvira Jelenc, Sabina Jelenc-Krašovec, Andreja Istenič

Other learning material

Usposabljanje članov komisij za preverjanje in potrjevanje nacionalnih poklicnih kvalifikacij

2003 | Andreja Dobrovoljc, Andreja Istenič, Valentina Hlebec, Zinka Kolarič

Scientific Monograph

Evalvacija socialnointegracijske vloge programa Projektno učenje za mlajše odrasle

2003 | Andreja Istenič

Published professional paper at the conference

Zagotavljanje kakovosti e-učenja v izobraževanju odraslih v Sloveniji

2003 | Andreja Istenič

Independent professional essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Računalniško podprto skupinsko učenje

2003 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Multicultural education and information-communication technologies

2003 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Strokovna usposobljenost mentorjev programa Projektno učenje za mlajše odrasle v Sloveniji

2002 | Andreja Istenič

Other learning material

Kako uporabimo informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo za spodbujanje kakovostnega študija? : Študijsko delo v majhnih skupinah z računalniško komunikacijo

2001 | Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

CMC - an oral-friendly written communicational technology : the calenge of teacher's role in the computer mediated learning

1996 | Andreja Istenič

Expert Article

Enseignement a distance en Slovenie

1995 | Andreja Istenič

Expert Article

Computer communication at the Univerzum Centre for Distance Education by Correspondence

1995 | Andreja Istenič

Expert Article

Računalniška komunikacija na Centru za dopisno izobraževanje Univerzum

1994 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Didactic function in graphic presentation of learning materials

1994 | Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Distance learning and democracy in education